Thursday 30 January 2014

Barberton City outbreak timeline

I've been trying to reconcile the reports from the various groups involved and this seems to be the story so far.

17 February
- Officers North, Werbowski and Driscoll are on patrol & are detailed to guard the Barberton North electricity generating station. See

18 February 
- North, Werbowski and Driscoll remain on guard at the power plant.
- McReady, Shyder and Ruth, and Smith, Brezinski and Grivas fight their way along West Street. See

19 February
- North, Werbowski and Driscoll venture out and encounter soldiers in NBC suits who order them to return to the power station. On returning there they find the station wrecked by a train & return to the police station Maine Street. There they persuade sgt. McGraw that ragers are real and are able to contact the army who will evacuate them at first light on 20th.
- The survivors from West Street - Becky Smith, Wayne Brezinski, Jim Grivas and Rob Shyder - battle ragers and at nightfall Stu, Becky & Steve are searching for somewhere to spend the night.
- Terry & Julian meet Mr Gray & Mr Brown and shelter in a workshop, where they meet Ripley. See

20 February
- During the night the Maine Street police station is besieged by ragers and the police aided by prisoners manage to beat off the attack. The survivors are evacuated by helicopter at 0700.
- A SWAT team consisting of Kanter, Grigsby, Barksdale & Jorgenson is wiped out by ragers. See

21 February
Separate groups consisting of (a) Stu & Becky, who have no ammunition, and (b) Ripley, Julian, and Messrs. Brown & Gray try to escape from the West Street area where they have spent the night.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Spodilicious: Terrain

I've extended the Spodilicious empire to include a blog on the terrain I am building. It (the terrain) has to be simple and robust.  It (the blog) is at:

Friday 10 January 2014

Napoleonic Russians against Turks game report

There's a report of a couple of Napoleonic games - Russians versus Turks - played in a single session  with Song of Drums & Shakos at:

The report was kindly supplied by Mr. D- W-.